We are committed to generating positive impacts through the development of resilient infrastructure

Infrastructure assets have a fundamental role in addressing the economic, environmental, and social challenges confronting the global community. At Serena, we are committed to generating positive impacts through the development transportation networks, the implementation of efficient waste and water management systems, and the establishment of high-standard health, educational and digital facilities.

ESG integration in our portfolio

We integrate a holistic approach along the whole investment cycle, building strategies to create long-term sustainable value and that identify potential risks and value creation opportunities from early stages of the investment process.
This investment approach is based on four dimensions:

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Impact Assessment

This assessment identifies the potential social and environmental impacts of the investment in terms of Compliance, Labour and Working Conditions, Environment, Community Impact and Ethics and Human Rights, as well as evaluates the existence of management measures for the modulation of the potential negative impacts derived from the project.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Impact Assessment.

We take the 17 UN SDGs as a tailored framework to measure and categorize the potential contribution of every project. SDGs are the reference that shape our sustainable investment strategy.

Climate Change Impact Assessment

The assessment addresses both the potential exposure of the project to physical climate-related risks through the evaluation of six life -supporting sectors – food, water, health, ecosystem service, human habitat and infrastructure – as well as the readiness of every project to take adaptation actions in order to mitigate or manage these risks.

EU Taxonomy Assessment

The assessment analyses the alignment of every project to the EU Taxonomy Regulation, conducting an in-depth analysis of the contribution to the six environmental objectives and the minimum social safeguards.

Our commitments

Serena is a signatory member of the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) since 2020. This reinforces our longstanding commitment to responsible investment and ESG best practices.

Serena is dedicated to adhering to ILPA industry guidelines and best market practices, ensuring transparency, good governance, and alignment of interests with our investors and the industry.

Serena follows the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier standards as a reference guide and consequently adopting best practices in governance, transparency, and market trends.

All our funds are classified as promoting environmental or social characteristics, being “Article 8” products under Regulation (eu)2019/2088 of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector.

Serena’s Sustainable Investing Policy aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals to help measure our contribution to the global 2030 roadmap and our commitment to generate positive impacts through the development of resilient infrastructure.

Sustainability-related disclosures